
Falling in love....

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
...with this weather!!!! Could it be? Could Autumn be upon us now?

This was Ava last year at the pumpkin patch. My how she has grown since then!!!!

Physics of Hair-Washing

Thursday, September 24, 2009
My daughter's hair is - curly - to say the least. It's wild, it's insane, it has a complete mind of it's own (and for that matter, a life of it's own - I think it's sneaking out and partying all night). So the quantum of time and energy and baby shampoo it takes to actually wash her hair brings us to only accomplishing this act about twice a week. She's grown accustomed to me scrubbing her scalp like a frantic housewife cleaning before the husband's boss comes for dinner and will most likely grow up to retell these harrowing accounts in a memoir about how her mother was always her biggest inspiration and also ruined her post-puberty life. In the meantime, however, this twice-a-week ritual can be religiously detailed into three parts not including minute details in between: a) the initial donning of the bubbles, b) the scrub-for-your-life, mold into a silly hairstyle & pose and finally c) rinse and do the "shirley temple shake". Oh, and she still loves me after it's all over....

Inside or Outside the Lines?

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Yellow Bird Project has released their newest product : an Indie Rock coloring book! Illustrated by Andy J. Miller (who has worked with SONY, Converse & Starburst) the book is said to be an "unique expression of art and music." And you ask - what does this have to do with photography? Well, nothing - I just love coloring books! Looks like the child within will be coming out with this very soon!

Project Yellow Bird

Angela Moyer

Saturday, September 12, 2009
I had an awesome photo shoot with Angela Moyer yesterday - an amazing song artist. She not only has incredible vocal chords - she's also extremely beautiful. This was one shoot of hopefully more to come as she builds up photos for her music publicity. Since we were both at the Niceville campus of NWSC to hear Without Silence play, we took the opportunity and scouted out some pretty fun spots for photos. She got especially brave climbing up on that art structure considering she's like 6 mos pregnant!!!

I'm with the band....

Without Silence (the band my husband drums with) played at the Northwest Florida State College ampitheatre last night and I was able to walk/crawl around that huge stage getting some pretty cool shots. I'm still not brave enough to army crawl myself right up in the action, especially when they're playing worship songs - I feel like I'd just be a big distraction. Also with photogaphing all of their shows - I'm getting a lot of practice with shooting under some pretty harsh conditions - such as *drum rooll* - stage lighting!!!! I'm still learning - but it sure is an experience!

Why So Serious?!...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I photographed my son Ethan today out in the backyard, playing around with different background textures. He was terribly aggravated the whole time - "my legs hurt", "the sun's in my eyes", "there's bugs biting me", "i'm itchy". When I told him to smile, he gave me moldy cheese-ness so after a while, I'd say "ok - look over my shoulder. don't smile though. don't smile. don't smile." Of course this immediately rendered giggles and "viola!" - beautiful photos of my serious son.

Burks Family

It was an absolute honor to photograph this family - the husband & father, Nathan, left a week after this to go back overseas for 7 mos so it was really important that this family get some photos for their christmas cards that day. And even though we didn't get the sunset we were hoping for, the pictures came out beautifully and I had my little helper, Oli, to hold my hand up and down the beach!