
Down By the Bay...

Thursday, October 29, 2009
I just photographed the sweetest family and I'm not just saying that because I work with these people!  They really are gold-hearted and great friends but the biggest plus is that they have the cutest, blonde-headed, blue-eyed little girls in the world!  It was such a pleasure to photograph them: they reminded me of little forest nymphs in their pink tutus and baretoes.  Poor little K has such a cold but she was quite a trooper, and little M just wanted to explore.  "Take a picture of this acorn, Take a picture of this boo-tiful leaf.  I wanna take a picture of you, Ms. Ali!"  That's what I heard most of the shoot but it was great - it was like playing down by the bay with my dear friends. 

First Autumn Photoshoot

Thursday, October 8, 2009
I had so much with little N and little M. They definately kept my on my toes - especially little N, who loves to chase squirrels and explore the edges of never-ending docks! For some reason, this photoshoot made me feel like fall was really right around corner - maybe, just maybe! I hope anyway. Much love to my dear friend Mayleen - one of the best mothers I know - thank you for the honor of photographing your beautiful children!

I'm so EXCITED!...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
This photo has been featured on this site before in Physics of Hairwashing but not for an I Heart Faces challenge so I decided to feature it for this week's theme but in color! My daughter Ava LOVES taking bubblebaths and always gets so very excited when I turn on that water and the bubbles start filling up. Right after this photo she did her famous "Shirley Temple Shake" with those crazy cute curls. You gotta love that face!

My Favorite Things

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
For I Heart Face's latest photo challenge I decided to make a small storyboard. I could have made one 30 times bigger with 1 million more things in it because I just love so many things - I heart waves crashing, snuggling babies, beignets & lattes, autumn, bonfires on the beach, purple ballet flats, my mysterious japanese tree in my backyard, dancing my heart out, recording a ridiculus amount of mind-numbing TV shows on the DVR and staying up late with my husband to watch them all....but these are the narrowed down "Famous Five". In all, I just really heart my family and their various kissable body parts (get your mind out of the gutter!) I love their toes, their noses, their ears and their shirley- temple curls. Who would have thought five years ago that I'd be cuddling a pair of laughing, blue-eyed, curly-topped mini-me's in my bed every morning?! And not to mention my amazing husband - he's beyond talented (his drumming skills will melt your face all while wooing your computer's hard-drive into humble submission). He's a great people person - far more caring and unbiased and compassionate than I'll ever hope to be and I adore him. So here they are - enjoy!

1. My son's contagious smile
2. The day I married my best friend
3. My daughter's crazy curls
4. And her bluest of blue eyes
5. Toes in cool white sand