Lil Luna is the nickname I've officially crowned my daughter with - she is an all-about night owl! Of course, she is still in the womb and so I'm praying that once she arrives and experiences her first drop of daylight, she'll switch courses and sleep with the rest of us come nightfall. As some of you may or may not know, we are expecting our third child - a daughter. In about 15 weeks she will make her debut and change our world forever! Already, things have changed. For one: I'm cooking a whole lot more. You may ask: what does that have to do with having a baby?? Maybe I've finally got a tiny grasp on this domestication thing or maybe I'm just hungry for really good food. Either way, my family (and esp. the hubs) loves it and I'm hoping that it sticks!

We've been slowly but steadily preparing our home for a teeny tiny wee one - rearranging rooms (she'll be sharing a room with our other daughter, Ava), prepping all the cloth diapers we're going to attempt at using, hanging clothes in closets, setting up the bassinet, fluffing all the butterflies, etc etc etc. Exciting times!
What does this mean for the future of Plumb? Well for one thing: Plumb gets a new spokesmodel!! Secondly, I will be taking a time of absence in light of the fact that I'll be finishing last minute preparations, my body just can't get up and down off the ground very quickly anymore and I will be allowing myself and my family time after the birth for recovery and bonding. So mark your calendars:
April 1 - mid June (date TBA) Plumb will not be shooting sessions. However, we WILL be
booking sessions for dates from late June through the rest of the year!! Plumb
will press on! Also, we
ARE still booking sessions for the remainder of February and some still-available dates in March so if you have been tossing and turning at night, dreaming of a photo session with Plumb -
now's the time to book!
Also, in celebration of the soon-to-be arrival of our little one, from July - September 2011 we will be having a special (
secret) price for our Beloved Baby Package (hint: includes mini maternity, full newborn, mini 3month, 6 month, and 9month sessions). Email us for more info & pricing at
Thank you to all of our loyal friends for your continued support of Plumb and also for sharing with us in the joyous anticipation of little Lydia - you means the
WORLD to us!
{click on images to see them in all their splendorific glory...}