
Chattanooga Trip - Part 1

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
First of all, can I just say - we LOVE love love love love love love loooove chattanooga!  I came a centimeter close to buy a "NOOG" t-shirt and now kick myself for not.  I'm definately a noog-fan.  Coming back to Florida to the unbreathably hot humid weather and forEVER green leaves has been a bit sad but we're glad to be back around the people we love, especially our family!! 

Anyway - enough mushy stuff.  I will be sharing our adventure's photos in two parts.  The last two days of the trip I walked around camera-free and just relaxed but I still have pl-U-enty of photos to share with you!  The first two days we spent camping at Raccoon Mountain and exploring the sights in and around Lookout Mountain, TN and GA.  Yes, we crossed over that state line several....several...times over the course of those first two days.  The only thing I didn't get a photo of was the Incline Railway because I was SO darn scared, I couldn't have pushed the shutter button even if I tried.  Let's just say, that thing goes straight UP!

These first couple photos are just some random photos from around our campsite - and my manly mountain man! ;)

Pre-fire and Post-fire - our favorite part of those first two days, sittin' round the campfire tellin' lore...

This was taken outside of Rock City, on our way to get our morning java.  I almost melted in my shoes - fall has GOT to be my favorite season and Tennessee does this girl right!!!

Another shot of my moutain man in his flannel, carrying his girl's cuppa joe ;)  Also, there were a couple of claustrophic tight spaces in our journey through Rock City, namely "Needles Eye" and "Fat Man's Squeeze".  If I had been anymore months prego, I don't know if I would have FIT!

We're genUine mountain folk ya'll - this was going under Gnomes Underpass - everything is "gnome" theme in Rocky City.  If anyone has met Pablo, the gnome in our backyard, you would know he would've been right at home here...

This was the "Swinging Bridge".  Isaac braved it first, just like the macho-hero we all know him to be, however, I had a little bit of a harder time getting across.  If you want proof, you'll have to check it out on Isaac's phone but let's just say - if that bridge had been any longer I would have finally resorted to crawling; I mean, I was already moving at a turtle's pace!  I did stop briefly to snap a quick picture of the view from the middle of the bridge - I was suprised that it didn't come more blurry!

Yes, we stood on that domineering cliff.  It was called Lover's Leap - it only seemed appropriate seeing as we were on our anniversary trip and all.  While we were up there, I snapped an aerial photo of the Corn Maize we would go through later that day.  Rummaging through dead cornstalks on an 80 degree day at 4:00 in the afternoon ended up NOT being our cup of tea, but now we can say we did it! And in record time too!

The next major attraction we went to was Ruby Falls - the nation’s largest and deepest waterfall open to the public located 1120 feet beneath the surface.  The strangest part about this waterfall - nobody knows to this day where the water comes from.  Creepy, huh? 

Here are just some photos of various formations in the cave and a photos of the great dramatically displayed waterfall.  They had theme music to go with the lighting that even Disney would be proud of. 

This shot was taken as I was walking underneath the waterfall.  Yes it got in our eyes a little but thank goodness not in our mouths!  The water contains a key ingredient - Magnesium - which can be found in Milk of Magnesia - a constipation treatment!!!

The last photo of the day....see you again tomorrow!


jayarr78 said...

Wow - never knew there was so much to do in Chattanooga. Beautiful place, inside and out!