
SMILE! . Fort Walton Beach Child Photographer

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I haven't done a post for iheartfaces in a very long time but considering it's a NEW YEAR and it's iheartfaces BIRTHDAY (happy birthday you awesome people!....) i would break down and submit and entry!!  And what an appropriate theme as I've been getting lots of smiling faces of Ava lately - my little darling is just growing up before my eyes, her hair is getting longer and wilder, her radiant personality just shining through !  I can't believe it's been two and a half years since she was born and now this year she'll be joined by another Bloxson girl - two sisters.  Boy, I'm in trouble!  So without further ado....my shining star...

{click on photo for original size!}


Elizabeth said...

She is adorable! This is such a cute shot. Love the sunglasses.

Alisa said...

Great photo, love the reflection in the sunglasses!