
'here's a bean, there's a bean, everywhere a mean mean Bean' - fort walton beach photography

Friday, July 22, 2011
First things first - have you ever listened to the song "Coffee Mug" by Descendents?  Oh. My. Lord.

Moving on.  If you don't know me, then you might not know that I am serious about coffee.  Seriously serious.  I take it everyway but I.V. drip.  Most of you may have even experienced me showing up to your photoshoot with a nice cold latte in my hands (it fuels the creativity in me).  Actually I come from a long line of coffee drinkers - my mom, sister and I can't even start a descent shopping spree or road trip without hitting up a coffee shop first.  It's practically impossible.  Anyway I had found this recipe through Pinterest and decided I had to try it and, like most photographers I am privy to, I had to document it.  Have you ever documented something with photos then thought, after uploading them all onto your hard drive, what now? Start a blog and share - that's what I do! 

Ok, so firstly you're going to buy 1lb of strong, dark roasted coffee and a gallon of water.  Soak your grounds in the water for at least 12 hours or longer.  This is called "cold-brewing".  I didn't get a picture of this - sorry! But you can imagine it -it's really not hard.  You want to make sure your grounds are completely saturated with water so mix or stir it up really well then walk away....

They should look like this the next day:

Once your 12 hours are up (I know the anticipation is great - hopefully you're able to sleep that night!) you are going to strain your now condensed coffee mixture using a mesh strainer and filters or several layers of cheesecloth.  I had a very very TINY mesh strainer I borrowed from my mom for this project so it was taking a very...very...v.e.r.y. long time...
So eventually I got tired (and lazy AND impatient..)  of using and squeezing out the coffee filters so I used a new approach; pouring it straight in to the mesh strainer and praying no grounds would fall through. 

Hallelujah - it worked!  Now that I know I like this recipe, I will buy myself a bigger strainer and might possibly have to use the coffee filters (or cheesecloth) in addition - it's all experimentation folks!

Just look at this frothy, yummy goodness that you end up with!

I saved the gallon container from a Chick-fil-A sweet tea and poured all my cold-{delectable} goodness into it.  So do that now and then give it a sweet little peck - things might seem formal now, but once you've developed a relationship with this drink, you'll be french-kissing in no time!

You know that old saying "If you love it so much, why don't you marry it?"  Well, coffee and I, we were just dating before apparently because now - its official!

Here comes the creamy goodness part : sweetly simplistic and oh-so-cheap!

Seeing as how I am an extreme penny-pincher, I DID buy off brand, especially since I was at first extremely skeptical this recipe would actually be any good.  So stick with me now even if you are a kitchen snob and I've offended you. 
Mix those two together into some sort of sealable container that you can keep in the fridge.  The only thing I had on hand was a canning-jar-turned-into-Irish-Wake-cup from McGuires.  I suppose you could use a tupperware bowl but they don't pour so well. 

It will look disgustingly rich at first but trust me (and thank me later).

Now, I'm not going to get too extremely detailed on this next part just because who am I to tell you how to mix up your own morning hit but I will say this: the original recipe calls for a little over half of coffee and then fill rest with sweet cream - that was too sweet for me.  So really, it all depends on how you like your poison so play around with it 'til you find the perfect sweet spot. 

 Then whip one up for a loved one, interrupt a phone call of theirs insisting on taste-urgency and watch them do this:

Move on over average-store bought creamer - there's a new cowboy in town and he's here to stay!  

Awww SUGA suga - Fort Walton Beach Photographer

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Sweets for a sweetie - this one gave me a run for my money!  Turning two can be totally fun and quite dramatic as little B would like to show you...

Happy Birthday to YOU! 

Plumb Photography is turning ONE!

Friday, July 15, 2011
As far as being officially in business, it's been ONE heck of a year and we'd like to celebrate by offering YOU a very special discount on our oh-so-popular cupcake session throughout the month of August! 
Your little cutie's birthday does not have to be in August in order to schedule a cupcake seshy so whether it's a little late or a bit early, schedule it now because space is LIMITED! 
Offer is good for sessions scheduled August 1-31, 2011
{cupcake sessions include 45minute session with customizable stylization, birthday cupcake, and a mini brag book!}

'cause it's been so long since i've made a friend like you'.....fort walton beach photographer

The new Winnie the Pooh movies came out this week and my daughter Ava is off to the theatre with her "Nana" to go see it - she insisted on bringing a baggie of olives with her to eat along with her m&m's.  Strange, loveable child! 

Liddy learned a new trick and we'd love to show you....

This little monster is 12 weeks this weekend! 

Hope everyone has a Happy Friday!!

'godspeed little man, sweet dreams little man'....fort walton beach maternity

Thursday, July 14, 2011
This was such a fun photoshoot - I hadn't done a maternity shoot in over a year but they are seriously some of my favorites to do.  Having been pregnant myself not too long ago, I remember that uncomfortable "whale-ish" feeling you get towards the end but pregnant women just have this radiance about them and a contagious joy and anticipation that lingers in their presence.  For this shoot, I had the pleasure of shooting not just one, but three, mamas - all friends, all due within weeks of one another, and all having boys!! 

The first part of the shoot was just me, mama #1, her boyfriend (and mr. daddy) and the most miserable heat known to man at 8am in the morning!!  But the excitement this couple shared in the prospect of their coming son, and the love between them, soon overshadowed the heat and we ended up with some amazing shots of them together...

  The second part of the shoot, the friends arrived and we had a blast as they took turns in front of the camera and swapped stories about swollen ankles, food cravings and nursery decor.  I can tell they're all going to have the best time raising their sons together as friends!

We ended the day we some {not} refreshing banana peppers that mom, Sara, was craving so desperately.  Thanks for the lovely morning mamas and best of luck to you and your new baby boys!!

'if we got together we'd be causing a commotion' - fort walton beach child photographer

Thursday, July 7, 2011
quick post. lovely new headshots. simply put: i love my family.

{click on images to see them in all their splendorific glory...}

'we sign our cards and letters bff' - fort walton beach children's photographer

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
I'm so excited to share some quick snapshots I took of the winning clothes for The Fancy Pants Parade by the beautiful and extremely talented Cayce Collins!  Spread the word and get those contest entries in on our facebook page - this is one photo session you're NOT going to wanna miss being a part of!!!

2-3T dress - LOVE the whale!!
6-12m bubble suit - stunningly precious!
6-7sz capri & halter outfit - will look gorgeous on this winning girl!

4-5T boy outfit - the camera melts my heart! you know I'll be ordering a onesie like this for Liddy!

I've got some CRAZY fun ideas up my sleeve for this completely stylized session - can't wait for ya'll to be a part of it!
Enter your children's photos in the correct album on our facebook page or email us your photo and we'll enter it for you!

The Ribbon Has Been Cut!...

Monday, July 4, 2011

...Let the Fancy Pants Parade contest begin!!!  As of today, submissions are open on our facebook page for contest entries in the following categories: 6-12month girl, 2-3T girl, 4-5T boy, and 6-7yr girl.  We realize these are very particular specifications for categories but they are based on the size of the clothes that were created for this contest by the talented Cayce Collins.  We are hoping that if this contest goes over well, we can feature different sizes/genders in another one next year!  Submissions can be entered up until midnight of July 17th and then on the 18th, voting begins.  Get your friends & family to vote for your child's photo by "liking" their picture in the category album on our facebook page.  The child with the most "likes" or votes in their category wins!  Grand prize includes a spot in a completely stylized photo session by Plumb Photography and the outfit they wear designed and handmade by Cayce Collins.  Individual prints and digital images will be available for purchase and all proceeds will be going to the Camp Victory tornado relief camp in Tuscaloosa, Alabama run by Victory Life Church and Pastor Frank Griffith!  

Click on the image below for more details!