
Warning: Artist Under the Influence!

Sunday, January 31, 2010
For the second lesson post over at develop: on fridays, Jefra wrote all about how art influences art, artist influences artist, etc.  I loved her beginning ponderings:

"We’re all influenced by someone and/or something. Usually lots of someones and somethings. And about that - this is the bottom line- art doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Even the first artist ever was influenced by something in the natural world.

Is it wrong to have influences? Is it wrong to be influenced by other artists?"

She spoke distinctly about influences vs. copying and concluded that in the end, "all we can do is create".

Our assignment was as follows:
Part 1 - make an individual inspiration file of not only your favorite photographs/contemporary photographers but also paintings, old photos, works of the old masters, etc.

Part 2 - review these artists and works and define WHAT it is that you love about that piece of artwork, or that style of art.
Part 3 - make a specific photograph based on that influence. Explain who your influence was in for this piece and what you learned / incorporated from that artist’s work.
Here goes......

#1. I like mermaids.  There - I said it.  I really do - you can ask anyone that knows me super well and they would tell you, "Yes, indeed, Ali wishes she were one!..." as they shake their head and roll their eyes. 

But most of all, I really do just love being in my imagination.  One of my all-time favorite books is "Alice in Wonderland" ~ in fact, I watched the Disney version  for the 1millionth time today!  I love classic literature in general but "Alice" really is something special - it's almost indescribable. Linda Sunshine, in her book "All Things Alice", writes, "...please leave your sense of logic and your grown-up attitude at the door.  They are not needed here." 
I love feeling transported to a wonderland of talking flowers whenever I read it, or see a piece of infamous "Alice" artwork.  This is one reason I love photographing children - their innocence moves me, their undying love inspires me and their magical faith empowers me. I also love to incorporate my love for fairytale-ish things into my photography, as if my lens were a looking-glass and the world on the other side were make believe...

#2. I wish Zooey Deschanel would come croon on my front porch! 

Her singing voice, seriously ya'll, it kills me!  It lifts me up, even if she's singing about her heart breaking into a gazillion pieces, I feel like flying.  It's good for all things : roadtripping, bathtub soaking, early morning powerwalking, late dusk garden loitering, slow dances in the kitchen, sparklers after midnight....the list could go on.  When I listen to her sing while editing my photos, it makes me a very light and floaty editor and produces such things as this:

#3.  Just Dance! That's my motto.  I heart dancing - I've been dancing since I was 4: ballet, jazz, modern, praise, lyrical, hip-hop, you name it.  I especially love modern dance.  Like Audrey Hepburn in "Funny Face" :

And Martha Graham - mother of all modern dance:

And the Alvin Ailey dance company:

Dance is so much more than just movement, which in itself is a lot; dance is storytelling.  There's a giving and a taking in a relationship with dance, you're never truly good until you've let down all your boundaries and made yourself the most vulnerable you could be.  Watching dances, whatever kind they may be, inspires poses & movement, passion and emotion.  The best photos come when you've entirely let go:


"You Could Never Afford ME"

Thursday, January 28, 2010
There's huge controversy right now over who's who in the profession of photography.  The accessibility of really nice cameras has truly stirred the waters of this industry as of late and the "big kids" are hoppin' mad at the devaluation of their art.  I myself am hoppin mad.   Ok - not really, but I do get annoyed.  I consider myself first and foremost, an artist.  I love photography, don't get me wrong.  But I'm no professional....yet.  I have only just entered the gate of this yellow brick road.  I do get upset though when I see people who have never cared a day in their lives about photography, or art for that matter, try to pull themselves off as a weekender professional.  Without- *gasp* - going through the steps! Here is an interesting article written about this topic by Scott Bourne over at Photo Focus. 

Am I looking for fame? It's a farsighted possibility.  Am I looking for money?  It would be nice somewhere down the road.  What am I, Ali Bloxson, looking for?!   Love.   I'm in love with what I do and the whole process of learning and stretching.  Would I ever settle for second best?  NEVER.  Do I think top quality photography should be available to the everyday person with the everyday budget? Absolutely.  Unfortunately, business revolves around money.  However, my still beating heart says that everybody deserves to have stunning, unique, high-quality photos of their wedding, their babies, their love - no matter their budget! 

I really do want to give my friends and family beautiful, amazing, captured art in photo form.  But it's a long, gradual process for me, so forgive me if I don't do things your way.  I want to do things the right way.  What defines the right way from wrong?  Honesty - searching - learning, tweaking -  falling again, and again and again and getting back up again and again and again...Taking my time, taking my failures in stride, being humble and being strong - this is right....

I am an  "iron cast oven" in a "microwave" world - or at least, I'm fine-tuning myself to be just that.... 

I Heart Textures

Sunday, January 24, 2010

For this photo challenge I was really torn because I'm literally obsessed with Fine Art Textures when it comes to post-processing my photos and it was extremely hard to narrow it down to ONE photo!  However, I ended up with this one of my daughter, Ava ~ remember this one?  She's so quizzical and serious all the time - even with a hello kitty on her head!  On this I used Johnna's Tea Party action and a texture created by Skeletal Mess.


Finding My Voice

Saturday, January 23, 2010
This week's assignment in the photo study group I'm a part of ( develop: on fridays ) was all about finding your "voice".   Lead by Jefra Starr Linn, she writes:

"The writer J L Blackwater says “we all have voices in our head. Artists actually listen to them on a regular basis.” And as artists it's easy to feel alone in what we have to say or in what we see. We worry about popularity. We worry about being understood and about being isolated in our uniqueness. But it’s all these things that actually make us the artist that we are and allow us to contribute and speak in our own rare way."

"As far as I'm concerned, taking photographs is a means of understanding which cannot be separated from other means of visual expression. it is a way of shouting, of freeing oneself, not of proving or asserting one's own originality. It is a way of life." - Henri Cartier-Bresson"

Not only were we to think of our own personal "voice" - based on how we see the world, how we serve the world, what we have to offer and things that change and evolve and mature us - but we were also to take up to 75 (or more) photos of ONE subject matter, then narrow it down to 5 runner ups and 1 grand winner. 

Some people think taking 75 photos of one thing is absurb, however, Jefra made a very, extremely good point about the fact that it usually takes the first 50 to even get "warmed up" creatively.  I had never really thought about it before, but boy was she right!  And in hindsight, I realized that this is why I take so many dang pictures!!!!!! 

So after much deliberating and analyzing - heart-searching and narrowing - I found my grand winner as well as my 5 runner ups.   I will introduce you to them now beginning with this quote from "Anne's House of Dreams" by L.M. Montgomery :

"It was a shore that knew magic and mystery of storm and star.  There is a great solitude about such a shore.  The woods are never solitary - they are full of whispering, beckoning, friendly life.  But the sea is a mighty soul, forever moaning of some great, unshareable sorrow, which shuts it up into itself for all eternity.  We can never pierce its infinite mystery - we may only wander, awed and spell-bound, on the outer fringe of it.....The woods are human, but the sea is of the company of archangels."

Winning Photo
my husband and I were unanimous on this one - we loved skeletal look of this shell as well as the beautiful grassy bokeh.

runner up #1
this would have been my favorite apart from "mr. skeleton shell" - i found these two pearls from an actual oyster! of course, this is not the oyster shell but i feel very mermaid-y when i'm looking at them...

runner up #2
i personally love the feeling this photo gives me - like i'm gazing downwards on it from above - like a seagull. i also love the stark contrast of the white starfish and feather against the browns of the leaves and sand.

runner up #3
just part of my seashell collection - i've collected seashells/starfish/sponges/rocks from various parts of the united states AND costa rica. i'm very proud of my collection....

runner up #4
once again - the stark contrast of white against the greens & brown fawna. i also adore the intricate details of this sanddollar - it reminds of me of the plasters we make of our children's handprints - only this is a handprint of some mystical sea creature....

runner up #5
this photo, to me, makes me feel like a crab - very close to the earth, looking under and over shells and rocks in my path as i look for a bite to eat.....

One Baby Step For This Womankind...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Yay!  One of my photo entries made it into TWO "Favorites Collages" of guest judges for I Heart Faces First Birthday Contest.  Congrats to all of the grand prize winners ~ I'm happy to even be acknowledged at all....!

Guest Judge: Andrea Riley

Guest Judge: Rachel Durik

Fancy That!

Monday, January 18, 2010
"When I used to read fairy-tales, thought Alice, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one!  There ought to be a book written about me!"
                                                                            - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, 1865

Ebony of Shadow and Silver of Snowy Slope

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The night was clear and frosty, all ebony of shadow and silver of snowy slope; big stars were shining over the silent fields; here and there the dark pointed firs stood up with snow powdering their branches and the wind whistling through them. (Anne of Green Gables)

The above quote is what I imagine "winter" to be like.  Sitting here on the Gulf of Mexico, despite the 20below temperature, it is hard to picture winter ~ the only word to describe January here is simply gray

And this is all I can seem to do ~ day in and day out.........

I'm quickly trying to finish off all of my holiday hot cocoa ~ no thanks from my 2010 diet might I add....

But we are keeping quite occupied indoors regardless of the frosty chill outside...

Stay Warm!


"Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts thrown in" - Unknown

What to say?! The above quote doesn't - couldn't -  apply any better to another but this family!  The sweetest family you could ever be around and they just love to laugh and have fun with one another.  They were truly a joy to shoot for, especially considering that everyone was still basking in their day-after Christmas glow!  It was honor to capture their sweet moments and add some beautiful family photos to my portfolio