
"You Could Never Afford ME"

Thursday, January 28, 2010
There's huge controversy right now over who's who in the profession of photography.  The accessibility of really nice cameras has truly stirred the waters of this industry as of late and the "big kids" are hoppin' mad at the devaluation of their art.  I myself am hoppin mad.   Ok - not really, but I do get annoyed.  I consider myself first and foremost, an artist.  I love photography, don't get me wrong.  But I'm no professional....yet.  I have only just entered the gate of this yellow brick road.  I do get upset though when I see people who have never cared a day in their lives about photography, or art for that matter, try to pull themselves off as a weekender professional.  Without- *gasp* - going through the steps! Here is an interesting article written about this topic by Scott Bourne over at Photo Focus. 

Am I looking for fame? It's a farsighted possibility.  Am I looking for money?  It would be nice somewhere down the road.  What am I, Ali Bloxson, looking for?!   Love.   I'm in love with what I do and the whole process of learning and stretching.  Would I ever settle for second best?  NEVER.  Do I think top quality photography should be available to the everyday person with the everyday budget? Absolutely.  Unfortunately, business revolves around money.  However, my still beating heart says that everybody deserves to have stunning, unique, high-quality photos of their wedding, their babies, their love - no matter their budget! 

I really do want to give my friends and family beautiful, amazing, captured art in photo form.  But it's a long, gradual process for me, so forgive me if I don't do things your way.  I want to do things the right way.  What defines the right way from wrong?  Honesty - searching - learning, tweaking -  falling again, and again and again and getting back up again and again and again...Taking my time, taking my failures in stride, being humble and being strong - this is right....

I am an  "iron cast oven" in a "microwave" world - or at least, I'm fine-tuning myself to be just that....