
Oh, if it be to choose and call thee mine, love, thou art every day my Valentine!

Monday, February 13, 2012
I know a lot of people stick to the theory that Valentines Day is another greedy holiday created by Hallmark solely to force men to buy "schtuff" for their wives and then feel guilty the day after because they got it "all wrong"! Well, regardless of where you believe V-day originated, why not celebrate a day that causes us to stop for a moment in our busy, hectic, everyday lives and think about the love that surrounds us whether it be love from a spouse, your children, grandchildren, parents, friends, or some other relational circles you may have.  Let the love envelope you this holiday and use this sappy, romantic, red white & pink day to show love to someone else who may so desperately need it!  Leaving you with a sneak peek from a recent wedding in celebration of that four-lettered word we all adore,  L.O.V.E....

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