
Ali and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Have you been to The Land of Happy,
Where everyone's happy all day,
Where they joke and they sing
Of the happiest things,
And everything's jolly and gay?
There's no one unhappy in Happy,
There's laughter and smiles galore.
I have been to The Land of Happy -
What a bore!
-Shel Silverstein

Yesterday was a miserably, drippy, soppy, not-good day.  It rained for the most part, and with the rain came scowling winds of cold!  Also, I am subjecting myself to a caffeine/various-bad-food-habits "detox" - where I drink hot water with lemon every morning upon rising, NO coffee or tea for the first week (even decaf), and mostly unsalted, sugarless, flavorless nothingness to eat - day in and day out for a week.  The last three weeks are mostly the same, with small variations peppered in here and there.  The point?! To rid myself of unhealthy eating/drinking habits (i.e...3-4 cups of coffee a day....ahem...) and ultimately, to get super healthy skinny like I used to be in a dream I once had titled "before I turned 25" .  Anyway - I managed to escape yesterday with only ONE emotional breakdown which included me feverishly screaming " I hate you!" to my husband like I was a 13 year old prepubescent all over again.  Thank GOD he still loves me.... Despite the brain-splitting headache, mind-numbing ear & mouth-ache, the dizziness and blurriness of eyes and the almost complete loss of a will to live - I made it.  People - addiction ain't no joke!!!  Who knew caffeine withdrawals could be so scary. 

Anyway - sorry you had to read all that.  Now you can go back to what you thought of my before - you know, the really sweet, colorful, peppy, warm, loving, caring and pretty girl of yore.  To conclude - I did some "photo therapy".  I'm a HUGE advocate for art therapy and seeing as I consider photography to be one of my personal mediums of art, it was definately therapeutic to say the least.  And all I took photos of were fairy raindrops.  They came to visit, did some amazing aerial acrobatics and were gone by this morning but I caught them forever on film - or harddrive - whichever...Now, bring on the lemon water!!!