
Of Love & Angles, Cabbages & Kings...

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Ok.  May I firstly call to confession: I am behind on my develop project.  To all my fellow "developers" - accept this as my formal apology.  Especially to Jefra who works SO hard to bring us captivating, inspiring lessons and stunning, breathtaking photos!  *Muah!*

So, yes, develop project #3 got lost in all the clamour of our house as of late.  The "search for light" did not go so well for me.  To put it frankly: I worship the sun when it comes to my photography and without it, I melt to pieces.  New 2010 resolution: work on this.  Find some light in other things: flashlights, and headlights and television sets.  "Yes ma'am" - I tell myself. "Get on it!"

Now onto develop project #4 !  Angles I'm good at.  Mostly because I'm allowed to use the sun for this one.

 (*sidenote - awww - "Us" by Regina Spektor just came on...I LOVE this song....which reminds me I also am in LOVE with the 500 Days of Summer soundtrack! mmmm).  Anywaaaay.... 

I started playing with angles on my usual test subject....Ava the Great....

Anyway - the first is your typical straight on.  The only good thing about the photo is the fact that she's so darn cute with that "duh, mom" look on her face.  The second angle's alright.  She's got cute feet and I'll take any laughing picture I can get of her!  The third angle just looks like she's about to sit on my face so...scratch this.

My next test subject was my son - Ethan the Mighty......

Apparently, I really like this angle.  Interesting factoid: he was so concentrated on coloring at this moment (as you can tell by the last photo and the tongue phenomenon going on there...) - he didn't even notice me taking pictures of him!  Maybe this stunted my creativity - who knows.

I was about to give up until this morning during a "baby's napping - reckless freedom" moment, I got a little camera happy with test subject number 3 - a card Ethan gave me yesterday -

Here are some "looking up" angled views:

Here's an "oh hello, there you are" angle:

Here's a "creeping up on you" angle:

Here's an "I just ate a tea biscuit and grew 4 feet taller - curious & curiouser...." angle:

And lastly: a "you lookin' at me?" angle - nicely framing my muchly-neglected eyebrows

Jesh de Rox just wrote a beautiful post about love/pain/desire/needs.  In the wake of valentines day - reading it will encourage you and remind you of the humanity of us all.  I'll leave you with one exert that I especially loved:

to be seen is perhaps the greatest of all human needs, and we expect/desire/require this from the people we love.