
Baby Blue...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Seriously, if I continue newborn photography, I will eventually be wanting, no...craving...another baby!  Little J.C., who just turned 4 weeks old yesterday, was so deliciously sweet and soft and bright-eyed our whole shoot!  I love this sweet family and they are preparing to move to Italy for 4 years so I was honored when they asked me to do their baby photos as well as some extra family portraits.  Best wishes to them as they start their new life with their new little bundle of joy in a whole new country!!!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! I can't believe she already had him! And they are moving to Italy?! Wow tell her congrats for me. And just so you know when I do FINALLY get pregnant you are taking my pregnancy pics and of our little one :) So proud of you Ali! Love you!
~Sarah Hock