
Welcome to the World Stella!

Monday, March 15, 2010
Yes, I named my camera Stella.  I'm a dork.  Stella means STAR and that's what my camera is to me right now.  My bright and shining star!

As you can guess - she came today.  Like a 5 year old I stood at the door when I saw the UPS man park in the street just exactly until he rapped on my door.  Hello Lover!  My camera had arrived.  My next life was beginning!

The kit I had gotten was like Christmas Day - full of wondrous goodies!  This is me in my sheer excitement!

And here are some photos taken with my new baby.  They aren't exactly perfect, my arms are still shaky from holding such a enormously heavy piece of heaven.  But I'll get used to it....

Here's a shot with my macro/telephoto lens.  Notice the breathtaking bokeh....

Here's one with the beloved 50mm f/1.8 lens - I got extremely excited about a piece of cardboard....

My sister came over to listen to me blab on and on and on and on and on.  She filled out job applications at the same time ~ what a multitasker!

Here's Ethan - being a somewhat skeptical test subject.  He was wondering who my old camera was going to go to now that mommy had a new toy!

I stopped taking photos long enough to make dinner for my neglected, starving family...And then I took a picture of it!

Anyway - I'm done boring you for now.  Maybe you understand my excitement today, maybe you don't but know this: if you asked me for an icecream cone right now, I'd buy you the whole entire icecream truck, maddening music and all!


Jessica said...

Congratulations and happy photo taking!