
A,B,C, one, two, three, baby, you and me....

Saturday, August 18, 2012
I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore at the emotions that swell when my son's first day of school comes creeping around the corner as we've been through this 3 times now already.  A mixture of excitement over being able to drink a cup of coffee while its still hot and sadness knowing that my child is one step closer to being grown!  And don't even get me started on my sweet Ava starting Pre-K this year!  She's been my at-home buddy for four years now - I am going to miss our special time together though we haven't exactly been alone since Lulu came onto the scene.  She keeps reminding me how "Excited" she is and to "not be sad".  And I truly am excited - I am super pumped over both my children's teachers this year and am looking forward to a superb year for both of them!

Debuting their back to school photos...

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I'll share this love I find with everyone...

Thursday, August 16, 2012
Enamored.  That's how new parents, and I,  feel about their babies.  Hope you enjoy the following photos of sweet baby Ollie!

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I must be a mermaid...{i-friday roundup}

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"I must be a mermaid.  I have no fear of depth and a great fear of shallow living" - Anais Nin

1. "Alice" birthday card! Somebody knows me too well..

2. The most fun cake I've ever made - Ava's mermaid sandcastle cake!  3. Birthday donuts via my good friend Michel! xoxo 4. My sissy got crafty and sent over an IKEA "giftcard" 5. My hubby thinks FAR too highly of me - he got my iPad for my bday!!!

6.  Juice bar on 30-A

7. Chapel at Seaside 8. Scarf market  9.  Art everywhere you go  10.  Random doors to random houses
11.  Vinyls and magazines - the perfect browsing store for a rainy afternoon. 

12. Want to have a party here?  Alys Beach!  13.  My husband has a "thing" for Nigella and her sexy posing with knives.  Creepy  14.  Alys Beach!  15. The streets of Rosemary Beach  16.  The Sugar Shak!

17.  We were wanderers for the weekend.  18.  I love both perfect and nonperfect beach days! 

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The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever - Jacques Yves Cousteau

I'm so mesmerized by the turbulent skies, the sparkling ocean and the love between this family - I really have no more words.  So please to show off these photos from their session!

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hey, I heard you were a wild one....{i-friday roundup}

Friday, August 3, 2012

Has it really been THREE weeks since I've done an i-friday roundup?!  Fridays fly by me like a caffeinated hummingbird being chased by a cat (did you get that?)  It's been birthday mania around here as we recently celebrated my husband's birthday in July and today being my sweet baby girl Ava's birthday!  It'll be party party this weekend and I'll make sure to share those pictures once they all get edited.  For now, a little i-photo lovin'....

1) Bang Bang Shrimp at Bonefish Grill!  To die for...also, a little birthday note to my hubby of 7 years! 
2) My mom always gives my husband money for his birthday but she likes to get a little creative and make him work for it.  This year, it was concealed in a bar of handsoap!
3) Breakfast on the harbor.  A midday summer storm rolled up on us just as we finished off the last crumbs on our plates!  4) Happy birthday Isaac!  

5)  We are getting a little bit of Disney fever around our house.  Ava is modeling her "Minnie" outfit for our upcoming trip in September!  10) Did I mention I (umm...I mean, "WE") had Disney fever??!  11) A new donut shop opened up down the street from us - can you say YUM? 12) Barbies do strange things in our house but I don't usually catch them in the act.  So this is how Barbie stays in such great shape!!!

15) My wild child, Lulu.  She wears headbands and dances around in her underwear most days...  16) We get visits from pale pink geckos quite often.  Usually, once it hits dark, the outside of our house is literally crawling with them.  I love how the reflection of our fireplace in the background looks like a moon!
17) E-dawg and his crazy pattern combinations.  Yes, he wore this to church....  18) Birthday girl  and her birthday cinnamon roll.  I can't believe my first baby girl has turned four.  She's been especially crabby today though.... it must be exhausting being a kid...

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! xoxo

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