
Jessamyn & Trevor - Engaged!

Monday, May 31, 2010
Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning

I had the great honor to photograph two very much in love people a couple weeks ago - two people who had recently become engaged and are excitedly planning their future wedding!  The greatest honor was that they basically let me do whatever I wanted and boss them around in order to get the visions in my head come alive in their photographs.  Thank you Jessamyn & Trevor for being so pliable - because the photos came out A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! So here they are...

(remember this post? - well, it may not be paris but it will do!...)

Memorial Holiday Weekend Just Got Better...

Friday, May 28, 2010
Because you get to view some sneak peeks of THIS beautiful baby!

 Isn't he precious?!  I am so honored to get to capture his many stages of life - babies just change so quickly, it's fascinating and alarming at the same time.  This little guy is just a serious one, it was a challenge to get smiles out of him - but he sneaked some in anyway and thank the Lord I was able to capture them!  What a sweet blessing - best of luck to proud parents Jon and Maegan as they embark on their upcoming journey!

By Golly, I think She's Got It!...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Some of you might remember a blog post I wrote sometime last year about how frustrating it is to really nail down a "logo" or "branding" that really seems to stick, to fit perfectly into the puzzle of this thing called "slowly starting a business".  You could almost say I'm afraid of commitment.  I just wish my mother had picked one out for me at the time she wrote my name down on the birth certificate 26 years ago - I like my name because it's what I've always been called.  I wouldn't even HAVE a name right now if the decision had been left up to me - that, or I'd be changing it at least every other day.  This is why my closet eternally looks like the inside of a washing machine - clothes all thrown about here and there. It's SO hard to decide what to wear everyday (my mother picking out my clothes for me still? - i'm not even going to go there..). 

But still, I've had some time of my hands this week and I think.........I think......I think I may have stumbled on something I actually like.  Or possibly even love (*gasp* - could it be?!)  Yes, the branding seems to be somehow colliding all-together and meshing into one big beautiful thing.  Lots of still-secret things in the making but some things I can show you - liiiike - the blog header ;) you like?  Oh, and the photo watermark....

(don't get distracted by Ava's annoyingly CUTE belly button - oh ok....go ahead, you can for just a minute.  this was her flashing me after viewing my friend Diana's maternity photos)

That's all the sneak peeks I'm going to give but this summer has some BIG, exciting changes in store for it, including new products offered through Plumb.  Also, new session prices will be in place as well as some print pricing & collections so take advantage of the Portfolio Building Fees while you can!

Have a lovely wednesday evening and feel free to leave a comment!  

Love is in the Air...

'nuff said

"You Can Call Me Flower...."

Does anyone remember that line from the move Bambi - "You can call me Flower..." ?  Sweetest movie but I was convinced 'til I was a grownup that Flower was a girl skunk - why would a boy skunk be named Flower?! And what on earth would possess a mother to name her SON, the prince of the forest, Bambi?!  I never cease to be amazed.

ANYway - *stepping off of my soapbox* - that's not why I brought that topic up.  The reason I started this rant is because I want to show you some photos of my dear friend Diana's maternity session.  She reminds of  Flower sometimes - her cute personality and the way she says "gooosh" (she says I laugh like Betty Rubble so I think that gives me room to pick which cartoon character she reminds me of...). 

I think pregnancy photoshoots have got to be my second favorite kind after children & babies because pregnant women (esp. 33 or plus weeks along..) are willing to try just about ANYTHING!  They're radiant, full of love & excitement, and are completely free from the "suck it in" factor, making their photoshoots just that more relaxed.  I had so much fun with Matt & Diana because they are so lovingly interactive with one another, carefree & excited to try new things.  If they produce children half as beautiful as photographs then they are magical indeed (and I know Hannah Joy is going to shine in beauty in comparison to these photos...)

So without further ado....

Mudpies & Pigtails

Sunday, May 23, 2010

If you're looking for accessories or props for your child's next photoshoot, Mudpies & Pigtails is the place to go!  Monica makes exceptionally beautiful hats, tutus, and more!

Become a fan of hers on facebook and stay updated on all her new products, contests and get great ideas for your child's photoshoot!  Help me get more props for photography as well by "liking" her facebook, then referring to me  in the comment section of her latest blog entry

I Love Your Funny Face...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Can I just say - one of my uttermost favorite movies of all-forever-time is Funny Face starring Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire.  Why hasn't anyone tried to remake this movie yet?! Oh wait- because it wouldn't be even CLOSE to as classic & endearing as the original.  It has charm, it has dancing, it has song, it has fashion, it has photography, it has emotion - the all-around "dramady".
Let's give 'em the ole' pizazz!!

When I think of things and pictures I've seen that inspire me, I def. think of this one:

Now...would anyone like to volunteer to travel to Paris with me to reenact this photo still?
Oh to be Audrey in France in a LBD (little black dress for the fashion-nots) with a handful of balloons.
Have a Happy Sunday!

Romantic Feelings...

Thursday, May 13, 2010
I am in a romantic mood today - I mean a light pink, silky, rose petal, airy, wispy, feathery romantic way.  Thus Ava and I created this:

I am so excited to announce that there are many fun props currently in possession of Plumb, as well as many new fun and exciting props on the way.  To name a few: a newborn posing beanbag, snow white birdies, African drum, fringed baby blankets in a variety of colors, flowery headwear, knitted headwear, speech bubble chalkboards, elaborate Mexican moustaches, Thai parasol, toadstool chairs and more!   If you would like to request a special prop for your upcoming photoshoot, or have one of your own you would like to use, feel free to suggest away!  I love adventure!

Mini Sessions Sneak Peak

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind - Theodor Geisel aka Dr. Suess