
By Golly, I think She's Got It!...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Some of you might remember a blog post I wrote sometime last year about how frustrating it is to really nail down a "logo" or "branding" that really seems to stick, to fit perfectly into the puzzle of this thing called "slowly starting a business".  You could almost say I'm afraid of commitment.  I just wish my mother had picked one out for me at the time she wrote my name down on the birth certificate 26 years ago - I like my name because it's what I've always been called.  I wouldn't even HAVE a name right now if the decision had been left up to me - that, or I'd be changing it at least every other day.  This is why my closet eternally looks like the inside of a washing machine - clothes all thrown about here and there. It's SO hard to decide what to wear everyday (my mother picking out my clothes for me still? - i'm not even going to go there..). 

But still, I've had some time of my hands this week and I think.........I think......I think I may have stumbled on something I actually like.  Or possibly even love (*gasp* - could it be?!)  Yes, the branding seems to be somehow colliding all-together and meshing into one big beautiful thing.  Lots of still-secret things in the making but some things I can show you - liiiike - the blog header ;) you like?  Oh, and the photo watermark....

(don't get distracted by Ava's annoyingly CUTE belly button - oh ok....go ahead, you can for just a minute.  this was her flashing me after viewing my friend Diana's maternity photos)

That's all the sneak peeks I'm going to give but this summer has some BIG, exciting changes in store for it, including new products offered through Plumb.  Also, new session prices will be in place as well as some print pricing & collections so take advantage of the Portfolio Building Fees while you can!

Have a lovely wednesday evening and feel free to leave a comment!