
'heaven help us, if he's anything like me....' - fort walton beach newborn photography

Saturday, August 27, 2011
There's something that makes me all melty and gooey inside when I see the contrast of a fresh, dewy newborn up against the grizzly, tattoed exterior of his daddy.  *Sigh*  Welcome to the world Baby Sal!  You're going to be one little heartbreaker!

'an amethyst remembrance is all i own...' - fort walton beach photography

Thursday, August 25, 2011

This week my family received the unfortunate news that my son's birth mother had taken her own life.  As my husband and I grapple with the overwhelming prospect of one day having to tell our son of this heartwrenching event, we are filled with every single imaginable emotion known to the human race.  Sadness, anger, heartbreak, rage, sorrow, hope, heartbreak and confusion. 

 She was a woman full of spark and creativity, adventure and love but was also a woman deeply broken and full of wounds that just wouldn't heal.  We are so helplessly saddened by this loss of life as well as for our son's now-future of unanswered questions.  We would appreciate any and all prayers, not just for us but for the friends, family and all those touched by this tragedy. 

***on a related note, for those of you who know the details of our situation surrounding this person, you may wonder why we would grieve so hard for someone who caused so much pain and hurt and confusion in our lives.  #1 - pain and hurt and confusion can sometimes be caused by both parties involved.  #2. life is sacred and should not be taken for granted.  ANY loss of life should be grieved.  we rallied for her life and only ever wished her well, even to the point of encouraging her relationship with our son a few years back.  though our wounds may still sting and we will surely deal with the ramifications of her life choices as our son grows older and asks us unanswerable questions, the bottom line is this: forgiveness.  without it, we'd be dead while living...

'hold me closer, tiny dancer....' - fort walton beach photography

What's it like to be so carefree?  I don't remember.

'the sun came out the other day, through those dusty clouds...' - fort walton beach photography

Monday, August 15, 2011
I love this family.  Like, love love.  I've known them for about 3 years now and they were also one of my very, very first public photoshoots.  They are the ideal family to shoot too because they just melt into one other and posing just comes naturally to them - a photographer's dream!  And, just like the last time, when reviewing & editing their photos, the tears just suddenly sting my eyes because they're more than just photographs - it's like a glimpse into something so intimate and beautiful and precious.  I am so delighted for them as they prepare to welcome their second daughter into the world and just want to wish them all the happiness and joy!  "Ain't life grand?!"

' Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast' - fort walton beach photography

I have been dying to share this session with you all - this is a "concept shoot" I pulled together quickly for part of my daughter Ava's third birthday photos.  Think "Vogue" magazine and you'll realize that concept shoots are no new thing - fashion + photography has been creating stylized shoots for a long, long time but they are increasingly become more popular for the average-Joe's family photoshoot.  They can be based around a theme (summer picnic, the Beatles, sailing, etc) or a story or time period (Peter Pan, Marie Antoinette, the roaring 20's).  I chose "Alice in Wonderland" as the theme for Ava's concept shoot and she had an absolute blast helping me scavenge our home for odds and ends to piece together for her pictures.  We even had a "rocking-horse fly" by attaching butterfly wings to our beloved vintage rocking horse!  I have a couple more concept shoots coming up this fall with various clients that I can't wait to share; if you ever have an idea whether it's your favorite childhood book or family's favorite pasttime or just something you've seen in passing and you'd like to play it out in YOUR photo session - feel free to let me know!  Nothing's ever impossible if you can only imagine it!

'ain't no sunshine when she's gone' - fort walton beach photography

Thursday, August 4, 2011
I'm off to Jacksonville, FL tomorrow for the Sandy Puc Creative Edge Kids Tour and also to celebrate my birthday with my mom, sister and littlest chitlin'.  I've been busy running around like a goat with no tail - my day's been a little like this: pack, clean, nurse, pack, wipe spit-up, clean, slap together some PB&Js, pack, clean, deliver photo disc, clean, drink some coffee, pack, clean, nurse AGAIN, pack some more, cook dinner, pack clean....you get the picture! Anyway, thought I'd leave you guys smiling with a couple cutie-poo pictures of Lydia in all her 3 month glory.  Dontcha love her panda bear hat?! My beautiful mom made that and if you EVER want a custom hat for your little ones' photoshoot - just name it - she's amazing!  Happy weekend and be back Monday!! xoxo

  {click on images to see them in all their splendorific glory...}