
'an amethyst remembrance is all i own...' - fort walton beach photography

Thursday, August 25, 2011

This week my family received the unfortunate news that my son's birth mother had taken her own life.  As my husband and I grapple with the overwhelming prospect of one day having to tell our son of this heartwrenching event, we are filled with every single imaginable emotion known to the human race.  Sadness, anger, heartbreak, rage, sorrow, hope, heartbreak and confusion. 

 She was a woman full of spark and creativity, adventure and love but was also a woman deeply broken and full of wounds that just wouldn't heal.  We are so helplessly saddened by this loss of life as well as for our son's now-future of unanswered questions.  We would appreciate any and all prayers, not just for us but for the friends, family and all those touched by this tragedy. 

***on a related note, for those of you who know the details of our situation surrounding this person, you may wonder why we would grieve so hard for someone who caused so much pain and hurt and confusion in our lives.  #1 - pain and hurt and confusion can sometimes be caused by both parties involved.  #2. life is sacred and should not be taken for granted.  ANY loss of life should be grieved.  we rallied for her life and only ever wished her well, even to the point of encouraging her relationship with our son a few years back.  though our wounds may still sting and we will surely deal with the ramifications of her life choices as our son grows older and asks us unanswerable questions, the bottom line is this: forgiveness.  without it, we'd be dead while living...


Dolly Tiinsley said...

So, so sorry to hear this heartbreaking news. You are so right in everything you said and are feeling. I am praying that God will wrap his loving arms around your beautiful family and guide you in the right direction when you face the time when your son asks you those questions that seem answerable. God will show you the way Ali:)